News Release
FOR RELEASE - September 1, 2006
Contact: Aaron Ellis,
American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Sept. 1, 2006) – Port leaders from throughout the Western Hemisphere will pause during the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) in New Orleans, set for Sept. 10-14, to remember those tragically lost in the terrorist attacks five years ago. Among those lost were 84 industry colleagues from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey who perished at the World Trade Center.
In the nearly five years since 9/11, America’s seaports and the federal government have joined forces to make major gains in fortifying and hardening port facilities against intruder attack. “Public port authorities have made seaport security their top priority since September 11, 2001,” said Kurt Nagle, American Association of Port Authorities’ president and CEO. With the combined efforts of public ports, initiatives of federal agencies within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) such as the U.S. Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection (CBP), ports are significantly safer now than prior to 9/11, he noted.
“Ports are a vital part of our nation’s transportation infrastructure and serve as international borders to nearly all U.S. overseas trade,” said Mr. Nagle. “With cargo volumes projected to double by 2020 and cruise passenger embarkations rising an average of 8 percent a year, ports must be secure and able to handle America’s international commerce.
“AAPA and its members are fully committed to the security of America’s seaports,” he added. “Protecting ports is essential for the nation’s economic growth, vitality and way of life.”
Security Improvements Cited
The comprehensive Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) of 2002 changed the way ports handle cargo and passenger movements. To implement MTSA security measures, America’s ports and their terminal operators have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in enhancements in areas such as perimeter security, access control and credential systems, interoperable communications technology, waterside security, security personnel and training.
In representing the broad security needs of its members, AAPA’s Security Committee and a Port Security Task Force meet regularly to discuss port security and share best practices and lessons learned. The Security Committee conducts an annual Port Security Seminar and has developed a comprehensive port security manual.
The industry also maintains ongoing liaison with the federal government’s lead port and maritime security agencies. These dialogues address timely security issues such as the pending Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), which the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Coast Guard are implementing to ensure those seeking access to secure port areas can be positively identified, have authorization to enter the facility and do not pose a terrorist risk.
The Association strongly supports the federal government’s layered security approach and advocates Congress to provide adequate resources to agencies such as the Coast Guard, CBP, TSA, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which take the lead on port and maritime security to enable them to continue to carry out and enhance their security programs.
In concert with public port authorities and terminal operators, the Coast Guard is charged with routinely inspecting and assessing the security of U.S. port facilities and the vessels that call those facilities, in accordance with the MTSA and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. Since 9/11, the Coast Guard has instituted innovative programs such as Maritime Safety and Security Teams, enforced security zones, increased its intelligence gathering and analysis capabilities, expanded its partnerships with the maritime industry, international organizations, federal, state and local agencies, and has joined with other agencies within DHS to strengthen our nation’s borders and protect America’s ports and waterways.
According to the Coast Guard’s Washington, D.C., media relations office, major accomplishments since 9/11 include:
Also working with the ports, terminal operators and Coast Guard is CBP. While the Coast Guard is responsible for facility and vessel security, CBP’s mission is primarily related to cargo security, including preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the U.S. by eliminating potential threats before they arrive at our borders and ports.
According to CBP’s 7/12/2006 newsroom fact sheet (, some of the programs it has implemented at U.S. ports and abroad since 9/11 include:
Progress Must Continue
As the recently derailed terrorist plot in the United Kingdom and resulting changes in aviation security measures attest, it is critical to not only remain vigilant but to continually work to improve security measures to counter emerging threats. That’s why public ports continue to work to make security enhancements and why the port industry strongly urges prompt enactment of legislation in Congress focused on port and maritime security initiatives.
Specifically, AAPA is highly supportive of the SAFE Port Act (HR4954), passed by the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 421-2 in May 2006, and a similar bill in the Senate, the GreenLane Maritime Cargo Facility Act (S2008 and S2459). “These are important bills,” said AAPA Board Chairman Bernard S. Groseclose, Jr., “that, if enacted with the port security funding recommendations intact, will enhance port and cargo security at home, strengthen the federal Port Security Grant program to help U.S. ports thwart terrorism at their marine facilities, and reduce the potential for terrorists and/or their weapons reaching our shores via maritime commerce.” The bills would also authorize and strengthen many on-going cargo security programs, such as Operation Safe Commerce, the Container Security Initiative and C-TPAT. The Senate is expected to take action on this important legislation soon after it returns from summer recess on Sept. 5.
In addition, AAPA supports the Senate’s provisions of the FY’07 DHS appropriations bill. The Senate’s version calls for $210 million in FY’07 funds for the Port Security Grant program. It also requests an additional $251 million in supplemental FY’06 funds for CBP personnel and salaries, $184 million for the Coast Guard’s Deep Water program, $23 million to accelerate the Coast Guard’s port security and vulnerability assessments, and $190 million for port security grants. This would bring the total funding available for the port security grant program for FY’07 to $400 million, the level recommended by AAPA and called for in the House passed SAFE Ports Act and the GreenLane bill as introduced in the Senate.
AAPA is a strong proponent for ensuring that America’s public ports receive adequate federal help to assist in making timely security enhancements. While billions of federal dollars have been provided to aviation and first responders, only modest federal funding has been made available for port facility improvements. This has caused many U.S. ports to either delay further security improvements, or divert funds away from critical landside and waterside infrastructure development, which is needed to avoid traffic and cargo congestion gridlock that will only be worsened by predicted trade volume increases in the years ahead. The federal government estimates that the new TWIC program alone will cost ports more than $300 million to implement.
By the end of September 2006, DHS will have provided $876 million in Port Security Grant funds since 9/11, which is only about 20 percent of the $4.35 billion in federal assistance identified and applied for in six rounds of Port Security Grants. As stated above, AAPA recommends that the federal government commit $400 million a year for a separate and dedicated program to help port facilities enhance physical security. The Association supports a risk-based evaluation process that allows all facilities that are required to meet MTSA regulations to apply.
“Clearly, America’s ports have become much more secure since 9/11. The primary emphasis in port security has gone from preventing cargo theft, to protecting people and facilities from terrorism. That’s a major shift,” remarked Mr. Nagle. “But continued investments in security technology, personnel, training and equipment will be needed. All parties—the ports, terminal operators, the various government agencies and Congress—must do their part in implementing and funding these enhancements, which will enable America’s public seaports to continue serving their vital functions as trade gateways, catalysts for jobs and economic growth and important partners in our national defense.”