News Release
FOR RELEASE - October 27, 2005
Contact: Aaron Ellis,
American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033
TAMPA, Fla. (Oct. 27, 2005) – The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA)—the organization representing public ports throughout the Western Hemisphere—at its membership meeting today during its 94th Annual Convention in Tampa (see for details), formally installed Bernard S. Groseclose, Jr., president and CEO of South Carolina State Ports Authority (SCSPA), as the new chairman of the AAPA board of directors for its 2006 fiscal year.
“Bernie Groseclose is extremely well respected by his colleagues in the port industry,” said AAPA President Kurt Nagle. “He was unanimously elected to be chairman of the board by port officials throughout the Western Hemisphere. We look forward to his leadership in these challenging times.”
Mr. Groseclose arrived at SCSPA 20 years ago, first serving as the ports authority’s planning and development director. He was appointed president and CEO in 1997.
Prior to joining SCSPA, Mr. Groseclose spent six years with Rockwell International, rising to the position of manager of financial analysis.
Mr. Groseclose is a member of the Executive Committee and third vice president of the International Association of Ports and Harbors, and has served on the AAPA Board for nine years. He is currently chairman of AAPA’s Curriculum Committee and has served as chair of the association’s Planning and Research Committee. He has also represented AAPA on the Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council.
Mr. Groseclose, who earned a degree in business administration (economics) from Hampden-Sydney College and a master in business administration from the College of William and Mary, is a co-author of the book, “Strategic Planning: A Guide for the Port Industry.” He serves on the Committee on Ports & Channels for the National Academy of Science’s Transportation Research Board, and on the advisory council for both the Intermodal Transportation Program at the College of Charleston, and the Center for International Business at the University of South Carolina.
Previously, he served as chairman of the South Carolina World Trade Center – Charleston, and as president of the South Atlantic & Caribbean Ports Association.
In addition to naming Bernard Groseclose as its new chairman, AAPA installed the full slate of officers for 2006. Named as the association’s U.S. delegation chairman-elect was Warren McCrimmon, Toledo-Lucas County (Ohio) Port Authority’s seaport director. Jerry Bridges, Port of Oakland’s executive director, was named vice-chairman of the U.S. delegation.
J. Keith Robson, Hamilton (Ontario) Port Authority’s president and CEO, became AAPA’s Canadian delegation chairman for 2006, while Capt. Allen Domaas, PPM®, Fraser River (B.C.) Port Authority’s president and CEO, was named chairman-elect. Karen Oldfield, Halifax (Nova Scotia) Port Authority’s president and CEO, was installed as the delegation’s vice-chairman.
For the Caribbean delegation, Port Point Lisas (Trinidad) Manager Kurt Allahar received the chairmanship nod for 2006, while Leonard Morris, Barbados Port Inc.’s divisional manager of operations, was named the Caribbean delegation’s chairman-elect. Ray George, British Virgin Island Port Authority’s managing director, was named Caribbean delegation vice-chairman.
AAPA named Valentin Morán, gerente general of Consorcio de Gestión del Puerto de Bahía Blanca (Argentina), as the Latin American delegation’s 2006 chairman. Agustin Díaz, Curaçao Ports Authority’s managing director, was named Latin American delegation chairman-elect and José Luis Iberri, API Guaymas’ (Mexico) director general, was named vice-chairman.