News Release
FOR RELEASE - May 5, 2014
Contact: Aaron Ellis, Public Affairs Director,
American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033
Following the passing on Friday, May 2, of former Cong. James Oberstar, American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) President and CEO Kurt Nagle today said the past chair of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee was “a tireless proponent for investing in America’s transportation infrastructure.”
“In 2003, AAPA honored Cong. Oberstar with its prestigious ‘Port Person of the Year’ award for his many contributions to advancing America’s freight transportation system, including authoring or co-authoring six Water Resources Development Acts from 1986 to 2000, and various Coast Guard and Coastal Zone Management reauthorizations and amendments,” said Mr. Nagle. “He was among the most knowledgeable of all members of Congress about the value of our nation's ports and waterways for delivering economic sustainability and job growth.”
In March 2010, Cong. Oberstar returned to the AAPA stage as a keynote speaker to share his views about the importance of authorizing new surface transportation legislation. “This passionate and committed 18-term legislator was one of America’s strongest advocates for investing in transportation infrastructure, and he will be missed.”
Port Name: American Association of Port Authorities