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News Release
FOR RELEASE - January 6, 2015
Contact: Aaron Ellis, Public Affairs Director,
(703) 684-5700

American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033

AAPA Encouraged That PMA, ILWU Have Requested Federal Mediation In Contract Talks

Today, the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) – the unified and collective voice of public seaports in the Americas – voiced its support for the decision that both the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), representing West Coast dockworkers, and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), whose principal business is to negotiate and administer maritime labor agreements with the ILWU, have jointly requested a federal mediator to help resolve their stalled contract negotiations.

On Dec. 17, AAPA sent a letter to President Obama, advocating that he begin the process of assigning a federal mediator to help the two parties reach an amicable contract agreement.

“AAPA is encouraged and relieved that both the ILWU and PMA have requested federal assistance to help resolve their contract negotiation,” said Kurt Nagle, AAPA’s president and CEO. “We believe that federal mediation will result in a fair and equitable agreement, and that without prompt settlement of the issues, our entire nation – not just the West Coast – could suffer long-term, detrimental economic and trade-related impacts from the unpredictability of goods movements through our ports.”

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