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News Release
FOR RELEASE - April 27, 2016
Contact: Aaron Ellis, Public Affairs Director,
(703) 684-5700

American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033

AAPA Reiterates Vital Partnership As MARAD Reauthorization Bill Is Considered

As Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Deb Fischer (R-NE) and Ranking Member Cory Booker (D-NJ) sought to reauthorize (S. 2829) the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) today, the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) – the unified and recognized voice of seaports in the Americas – reiterated its strong partnership with MARAD to support the port and maritime industries.

“AAPA appreciates Sen. Fischer and Sen. Booker for their strong bipartisan work on maritime issues that will benefit all stakeholders in the maritime transportation network. MARAD has become an increasingly important proponent on infrastructure planning and financing issues for ports,” said Kurt Nagle, AAPA’s president and CEO.  

Last week AAPA testified before the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security that the association has been supportive of both USDOT’s TIGER program, in which MARAD has been heavily involved, and MARAD’s Strong Ports program, which is helping ports plan, finance and coordinate projects, including for America’s Marine Highways.


About AAPA
Founded in 1912, AAPA today represents 130 of the leading seaport authorities in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean and more than 200 sustaining and associate members, firms and individuals with an interest in seaports. According to IHS World Trade Service, combined international sea trade moving through Western Hemisphere ports in 2014 totaled 3.48 billion metric tons in volume and US$3.75 trillion in value. Of that total, ports in Central and South America handled 1.68 billion metric tons of cargo valued at US$1.36 trillion, while North American ports handled 1.79 billion metric tons of goods, valued at US$2.39 trillion. To meet the growing demand for trade, the AAPA and its members are committed to keeping seaports navigable, secure and sustainable.  For more information, visit

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