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News Release
FOR RELEASE - June 29, 2016
Contact: Aaron Ellis, Public Affairs Director,

American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033

U.S. Port Communities Could Benefit From VW Settlement

The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA)—the unified and recognized voice of seaports in the Americas—is pleased to learn that U.S. ports and their surrounding communities stand to benefit from yesterday’s announcement of a partial Volkswagen (VW) settlement with the federal government and the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  

The agreement relates to the sale of VW cars with defective air emissions equipment. Included in the consent decree agreement, the German automaker will pay $2.7 billion to mitigate air emissions and $2 billion to invest in green vehicle technology in areas where its defective cars are in operation.

The mitigation part of the agreement is to pay for reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. It states that port projects, such as those related to port drayage trucks, rail freight switchers, ferries/tugs, ocean-going vessels using shore power and federal Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) projects, are eligible for funding.

The green technology part of the agreement is to promote zero emissions vehicles, including on-road heavy duty vehicles such as those that haul goods to and from America’s ports. 

AAPA President and CEO Kurt Nagle said, “This funding could help U.S. ports reduce NOx emissions in and around their facilities.  It could also help AAPA’s members continue their commitment to sustainability, clean energy and the health of coastal ecosystems.”

About AAPA
Founded in 1912, AAPA today represents 130 of the leading seaport authorities in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean and more than 200 sustaining and associate members, firms and individuals with an interest in seaports. According to IHS World Trade Service, combined international sea trade moving through Western Hemisphere ports in 2014 totaled 3.48 billion metric tons in volume and US$3.75 trillion in value. Of that total, ports in Central and South America handled 1.68 billion metric tons of cargo valued at US$1.36 trillion, while North American ports handled 1.79 billion metric tons of goods, valued at US$2.39 trillion. To meet the growing demand for trade, the AAPA and its members are committed to keeping seaports navigable, secure and sustainable.  For more information, visit

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