News Release
FOR RELEASE - January 25, 2017
Contact: Aaron Ellis, Public Affairs Director,
American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033
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The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) – the recognized and unified voice of America’s seaports – is encouraged by the release yesterday of the infrastructure investment outline by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Democrats, especially the recognition that ports and waterways play a vital role in our nation's economy, jobs and supply chain.
“Coupled with President Trump’s stated intention to make major improvements in America’s infrastructure, we’re optimistic that long overdue infrastructure investments will be made,” said Kurt Nagle, AAPA’s president and CEO
America’s seaports, each of which are international trading hubs, are vital economic engines to their community, their region and the nation. Seaport cargo activity accounts for 26 percent of the U.S. economy, generating nearly $4.6 trillion a year in total economic activity, supporting some 23 million American jobs, and producing more than $321 billion federal, state and local tax revenues annually.
AAPA has sent its freight transportation infrastructure policy and funding recommendations to the Trump Administration and Congressional leadership. Among its recommendations are ways to eliminate bottlenecks and expand capacity through landside investments, modernize and fully maintain federal navigation channels through waterside investments, secure America’s ports and borders, enhance the coastal environment and build resilience.
“AAPA looks forward to working with Congress and the Trump Administration as they develop a comprehensive infrastructure package that will meet the needs of our country, our growing freight network, and enhance our international competitiveness,” said Mr. Nagle.
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About AAPA
Founded in 1912, AAPA today represents 140 of the leading seaport authorities in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean and more than 250 sustaining and associate members, firms and individuals with an interest in seaports. According to IHS World Trade Service, combined international sea trade moving through Western Hemisphere ports in 2014 totaled 3.48 billion metric tons in volume and US$3.75 trillion in value. Of that total, ports in Central and South America handled 1.68 billion metric tons of cargo valued at US$1.36 trillion, while North American ports handled 1.79 billion metric tons of goods, valued at US$2.39 trillion. To meet the growing demand for trade, the AAPA and its members are committed to keeping seaports navigable, secure and sustainable. For more information, visit On Twitter: