News Release
FOR RELEASE - June 14, 2022
Contact: Stephanie Casella,
American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033
Washington, D.C. – As the Ocean Shipping Reform Act has passed Congress and heads to the President’s desk for his signature, the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) is pleased Congress found a moderate path to improving access and fluidity. Most germane to seaports is the availability of tools and incentives to promote fluidity as cargo moves through port facilities.
The Ocean Shipping Reform Act represents substantial changes to the Shipping Act of 1984 and will allow the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) to increase staff and better define the rules of engagement. As the FMC initiates a rulemaking, the port industry looks forward to telling its success story of historic throughput and the operational enhancements that have made it possible. By working with supply chain partners and cargo owners to keep cargo moving more quickly, dwell times have dropped significantly from the height of the congestion last year.
In fact, seaports are moving more cargo than ever. The year 2021 was a record year for cargo throughput, according to the White House, the National Retail Federation, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These are positive trends.
In addition to the work on hard infrastructure expansion, the industry has other ideas for building on the progress at ports — AAPA's plan to Incent and Invest: Supply Chain Fluidity, complements much of the work happening in Congress and at the FMC.
AAPA is excited for even more trade growth and job growth and thanks Congress for making ports a priority in this legislation.
About AAPA
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) is the unified voice of port leaders and maritime industry partners across the Western Hemisphere who serve a vital role in job-creation, international competitiveness and economic prosperity. Connecting small business owners, retailers and manufacturers to the global marketplace, AAPA member organizations sustain 31 million jobs and 26 percent of the U.S. economy, and advocate for national policies and infrastructure investments in support of a resilient global supply chain and a positive impact on the way people live, work, travel and engage in commerce. Visit or on Twitter @PortsUnited.