News Release
FOR RELEASE - October 30, 2023
Contact: Shawn Balcomb,
American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033
AAPA Announces Lighthouse Award Winners, Selects New Board Members and Celebrates Port Professional Manager Program Graduates
Washington, D.C. — The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) recently wrapped up the 112th Annual Convention at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado. Over three days, AAPA hosted more than 60 exhibitors, 650 attendees, and 71 ports from the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America.
“America’s seaports have gathered every year since 1912 to learn, grow, energize, and then rally around a vision and compelling message of why everyone should care about ports,” exclaimed Cary Davis, AAPA President and CEO. “Congratulations to all our Lighthouse Awards winners, the PPM Program graduates, the new 2024 Board of Directors , along with the countless speakers, sponsors and attendees on an incredibly successful event.”
AAPA’s Board of Directors were pleased to announce the selection of Paul Matthews, Port of South Louisiana CEO a new at-large member for a two-year term of service in addition to the re-election of the rest of the board.
During AAPA’s annual convention, 27 total 2023 Lighthouse Awards were presented to ports recognizing best practices in the port industry across four disciplines: Communications, Environmental Improvement, Information Technology, and Facilities Engineering. Overall Beacon Awards of Excellence in Communications trophies – the top awards in AAPA’s Lighthouse Awards Program – were awarded to Portos do Paraná (Category 1), Port of Corpus Christi (Category 2), and Port Everglades and Port of Oakland (Category 3-tie). The three categories are based on the size of the port’s public relations, advertising and marketing budget. Find a full list of winners here.
Additionally, 12 individuals graduated from the Port Professional Manager (PPM) Program. The PPM program is a comprehensive port and supply chain education curriculum that has certified more than 100 professionals since 1995. You can learn more about the program here.
AAPA looks forward to hosting the maritime industry for next year’s convention in Boston but until then, the Association hopes to see you at one of our other premier port industry events.
About AAPA
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) is the unified voice of port leaders and maritime industry partners across the Western Hemisphere who serve a vital role in job-creation, international competitiveness and economic prosperity. Connecting small business owners, retailers and manufacturers to the global marketplace, AAPA member organizations sustain 31 million jobs and 26 percent of the U.S. economy, and advocate for national policies and infrastructure investments in support of a resilient global supply chain and a positive impact on the way people live, work, travel and engage in commerce. Visit or on Twitter @PortsUnited.