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News Release
FOR RELEASE - April 25, 2006
Contact: Aaron Ellis,
(703) 706-4714

American Association of Port Authorities
Phone: (202) 792-4033

Statement on DHS Transportation Worker Identification Credentialing Announcement

[To view today’s DHS announcement on implementation of initial measures toward the rollout of a comprehensive nationwide biometric-based Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) in 2006, click on]

ALEXANDRIA, VA (April 25, 2006) – Prompt implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) continues to be a priority for the American Association of Port Authorities and we are pleased that the Department of Homeland Security is making progress in this area. 

AAPA urges prompt release of the notice of proposed rulemaking.

The Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 included a provision that DHS develop a program that requires all individuals who have unescorted access to a secure area of a port facility or vessel undergo a background check to ensure they do not pose a terrorist security risk.  AAPA would like to see DHS release its specifications for technologies which will support this system so ports can continue, and in some cases begin, the process of installing card readers at their facilities.

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