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2007 AAPA Spring Conference

March 19, 2007
Washington, D.C.

Travel to the U.S. capital and the historic Willard Inter-Continental Hotel for AAPA’s second-largest meeting of the year. This gathering of port professionals from throughout the hemisphere is held each year in Washington, DC, and features general sessions and workshops as well as committee and board meetings. Current trends in the maritime industry of relevance to all Western Hemisphere ports will be discussed. Special sessions on legislative issues and their impacts on ports are of particular interest to U.S. members. The annual “Washington People” reception and luncheon, anticipated for its outstanding speaker, brings together more than 300 legislators, federal agency staff, Congressional staffers, local maritime professionals, and AAPA members. This is the Association’s annual “thank you” luncheon for its Washington, DC, friends and affiliates. Since the room block fills up quickly, you should make lodging arrangements early!

Committee Meetings as Called

Latin American Delegation Business Meeting

Caribbean Delegation Business Meeting

Regional Caucuses

Presentation on the Balanced Scorecard Approach to Port Management

  • Paul Arveson, Director of Training, The Balanced Scorecard Institute

AAPA Sustainability Task Force

Briefing on Government Relations Issues

- Outlook for Dredging

- TWIC Implementation Update and Port Roundtable Speakers

  • Cdr. Peter W. Gautier, Chief, Cargo & Facilities Division, U.S. Coast Guard
  • Richard W. Hatton, TWIC Deputy Program Manager, Lockheed Martin Homeland Security & Energy Systems
  • Stephen Sadler, Director, Maritime & Surface Credentialing, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • John Schwartz, Assistant Director - Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration
  • Taunja Berquam, U.S. House of Representatives, Aommittee on Appropriations, Energy and Water Development
  • Let Mon Lee, Professional Staff Member, Senate Env't and Public Works Committee

Canadian Delegation Meeting

U.S. Legislative Policy Council Meeting

Welcome & Opening Remarks

  • Kurt Nagle, President and CEO, American Association of Port Authorities
  • Capt. Allen O. Domaas, PPM, President and CEO, Fraser River Port Authority, AAPA Chairman of the Board

Trade and Transportation Trends

Intermodal Freight Policies in the Western Hemisphere

Mexican Policy Perspective

  • César Patricio Reyes Roel, General Coordinator of Ports and Merchant Marine, General Port Administration, Secretary of Communications and Transport, MEXICO

Canadian Policy Perspective

  • Kristine Burr, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy Group, Transport Canada, CANADA

United States Policy Perspective

Annual “Washington People Luncheon”

AAPA Board of Directors Meeting