Port of Hueneme/Oxnard (Calif) Harbor District and Canaveral Port Authority share 7th Annual Facilities Engineering Awards
Sediment management efforts at Port Canaveral on Florida's Atlantic coast and at the Port of Hueneme on California's Pacific shore are a continent apart, but they are slated to be acknowledged together as 2009 Facilities Engineering award winners Oct. 28 at the American Association of Port Authorities convention in Galveston, Texas.
The Canaveral Port Authority's South Jetty deposition basin entrance channel sediment trap project (click here for the full report) emerged as a long-term solution to hurricane-spurred shoaling problems. Numerous engineering analyses led to a decision to construct the trap at a spot where it would intercept sand shoaling prior to its negative impact on the navigation channel. The basin proved its mettle when it functioned as designed in trapping nearly 100,000 cubic yards of material in the August wake of Tropical Storm Fay, thus allowing harbor operations to be unimpeded.
At the Port of Hueneme, a proactive partnership between the Oxnard Harbor District, U.S. Navy and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers created California's first on-site confined aquatic disposal, or CAD, facility that is furnishing a regional sediment management solution (click here for the full report). The project entailed hydraulic excavation and relocation of clean sand to a nourishment-needing beach; mechanical dredging of contaminated sediments and their placement into the CAD cell; and capping and armoring of the cell.