AAPA congratulates the 2023 AAPA Lighthouse Awards Program recipients for their exemplary programs and projects highlighting best practices and lessons learned.
To recognize superior overall performance in the competition, four ports were recognized with the Overall Beacon Awards of Excellence in Communications trophies awarded to Portos do Paraná (Category 1), Port of Corpus Christi (Category 2), and Port Everglades and Port of Oakland (Category 3-tie). The three categories are based on the size of the port’s public relations, advertising and marketing budget. Additional ports were recognized with the Overall Beacon Awards of Excellence in Environmental Improvement, Facilities Engineering, and Information Technology. Links to the entry summaries are provided below.
The winners in this year’s competition will have their Excellence, Distinction and Merit awards mailed to their ports and be recognized in a PowerPoint presentation at AAPA’s 2023 Annual Convention in Aurora, CO, October 22-25. Winners of the Overall Beacon Awards of Excellence will be recognized and receive their trophies at AAPA’s Annual Convention.
AAPA’s Lighthouse Awards recognizes excellence in four categories: Communications, Environmental, Facilities Engineering and Information Technology.
Portos do Paraná, Paranaguá Port Race (Category 1) – Special Events
Port of Corpus Christi, Centennial Campaign (Category 2) – Overall Campaign
Port Everglades, United Way Campaign (Category 3-tie) – Special Events
Port of Oakland, State of the Port: Building for the Next Generation (Category 3-tie) – Special Events
Port of Everett, Blue Heron Slough Restoration (Environmental Enhancement)
Port of Stockton, MD/HD Electrification Project (Comprehensive Environmental Management)
Port of Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority, Wetland Restoration Project at Duck Creek (Mitigation)
Port of Suape, Education Project (Stakeholder Awareness, Education & Involvement)
Port of Everett, Norton Terminal Development & Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Interim Action Cleanup (Category 1)
Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, Centerm Expansion Project (Category 2)
Port of Los Angeles, Cyber Resilience Center (Port Operations and Management Systems)
Award of Excellence
Port Everglades, Perfectly Positioned
Award of Excellence
Port of Stockton, Investing in Our Future
Award of Distinction
Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority, 2022 Annual Report
Award of Excellence
Port of Corpus Christi, PORT-Able Learning Lab
Award of Distinction
Port of Oakland, Our Path to Zero Emissions
Award of Excellence
Port of Corpus Christi, Centennial Album
Award of Distinction
Port of Longview, Berth 4 Booklet
Award of Excellence
Port Tampa Bay, Legends of the Port
Awards of Distinction
Port of Stockton, Dock Dispatch
Award of Merit
Green Marine, Green Marine Magazine: Less paper, More nature
Award of Distinction
Port Everglades, Cruise Pro Tip Video Series
Award of Merit
Port of Vancouver USA, Internship Socials
Award of Excellence
Port of Longview, Environmental Team Video
Awards of Distinction
Port of Long Beach, Explore the Port Video Series
Award of Distinction
Port Everglades, Trucker Traffic Cams
Green Marine, A Better Perspective on Greater Sustainability