In 1998, members of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) and its members recognized the need to protect and improve environmental conditions in and around their facilities. To that end, AAPA, through its Harbors, Navigation and Environment (HN&E) Committee (which has since divided into the Harbors & Navigation Committee and the Environment Committee), completed an Environmental Management Handbook designed to assist ports in effectively managing their environmental issues. This handbook incorporated environmental efforts made by individual ports, as well as other port and shipping associations, into a comprehensive guide for protecting natural resources.
Table of Contents
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1.1 - Background
1.2 - Purpose
1.3 - Contents of the Environmental Management Handbook
Section 2 - Environmental Considerations for Port Development and Operations
2.1 - Port Activities
2.1.1 Development-Related Activities
2.1 .2 Operation-Related Activities
2.2 - Potential Environmental Impacts and Pathways
2.3 - Environmental Concerns for Port Development
2.3.1 Master Planning
2.3.2 Conceptual Design & Permitting
2.3.3 Preliminary and Final Design & Construction
2.4 - Environmental Concerns for Port Operations
2.5 - Regulatory Issues
Section 3 - Port Environmental Management Practices
3.1 - Description of the EMP Format
3.2 - Development EMPs
3.2.1 Identification and Implementation of Construction EMPs
3.2.2 Other Available Construction EMP Documents
3.2.3 Construction EMPs
3.3 - Operations EMPs
3.3.1 Environmental Monitoring
3.3.2 Selection of Operations EMPs
Section 4 - Port Environmental Management Tools
4.1 - Port and Tenant Responsibilities
4.1.1 Role of the Port
4.1.2 Defining Roles and Responsibilities
4.2 - Lease Management
4.2.1 Environmental Considerations in Lease Negotiations
4.3 - Environmental Compliance Auditing and Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
4.3.1 Pros and Cons of Conducting an Audit
4.3.2 Types of Environmental Audits
4.3.3 Typical Auditing Process
4.3.4 Pros and Cons of Conducting ESAs
4.3.5 Typical ESA Process
4.4 - Environmental Awareness Training
4.4.1 Port Training Programs
4.4.2 Development of an Effective Environmental Awareness Training Program
4.4.2 Potential Components of an Environmental Awareness Program
5.1 - Types of Outreach Programs
5.2 - Guidelines for Public Outreach
5.3 - Public Outreach Case Studies
5.3.1 Community Relations Case Study
5.3.2 Public Relations Case Studies
5.3.3 Public Buy-In Case Studies
5.4 - AAPA Environmental Improvement Awards
Section 6 - Framework for Implementing an Environmental Management Program
6.1 - Assessing a Port’s Environmental Management Needs
6.1.1 Evaluation of Environmental Management Needs
6.1.2 Elements of a Strategic Environmental Action Plan
6.1.3 Types of Environmental Management Systems
6.1.5 Implementing a Successful Strategic Environmental Management Strategy
6.2 - Environmental Management Organizational Options
Environmental Management Practices
EMP No. O-7 Vessel and Equipment Painting and Paint Stripping
EMP No. O-9 Protection of Marine Animals and Sensitive Aquatic Habitats